February 26-28, 2021 | Virtual Conference
2021 5th International Conference on Digital Signal
Processing was held shifted to the online conference as the
health and safety of attendees was the most important factor in
making the decision. ICDSP2021 was co-sponsored by Southwest Jiaotong
University, China and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
We would like to thank the members of the Technical Program
Committee and the Organizing Committee. We are also indebted to
those who served as chairmen, keynote speakers and invited
speakers. Without their support, this conference could not have
been considered successful.
ICDSP2021 proceedings | ACM digital
library | EI Compendex
| Scopus

Plenary Session
Chair: Prof. Ce Zhu
Co-Chair: Prof. Haiquan Zhao
Prof. Xiaodong
Wang (IEEE Fellow) Prof.
Graziano Chesi(IEEE Fellow)
Prof. Tao Zhang
Prof. Erchin Serpedin (IEEE Fellow)
Yuantao Gu
Question & Discussion
Parallel Sessions

Best Presentation Awards:
Session 1: Modern Information Theory and Technology
Tongqiang Fu
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
A binary variational mode decomposition algorithm based on similarity matching
Session 2: Computer and Electronic Engineering
Gebeyehu Nefabas
Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Power System Harmonics Estimation using Generalized Least Mean Mixed Norm
Adaptive Algorithm
Session 3: Computer Vision and Image Processing
Shan Liu
Harbin Engineering University, China
Siamese Networks with Distance-IoU Loss for Real-time Visual Tracking
Session 4: Image Analysis and Methods
Yingying Zhu
Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Complex-valued Normalized Maximum Versoria Criterion Algorithm for Widely Linear
Adaptive Filter
Session 5: Signal Analysis and Processing
Ya-Jie Zhang
University of Science and Technology of China, China
Learning Deep and Wide Contextual Representations Using BERT for Statistical
Parametric Speech Synthesis
Session 6: Communication and Information Engineering
Puyang Geng
Academy of Forensic Science, China
The Coding Strategy for the Mandarin Speech Conveying Sarcasm in Acoustic and
Articulatory Domain